Here are some pictures of the bush over the past few months:
Most of them were ready to harvest today and were a gorgeous, bright red. This is what I managed to pick on the first round... This made enough to fill 3 jars.
Approx. 750g peppadews
1 tablespoon of salt
Water (around 500ml)
225ml white grape vinegar
200ml white sugar
200ml boiling water
1 small piece of fresh ginger
2 cloves of garlic
10 black peppercorns
1/2 teaspoon of salt
Optional: 1 or 2 small chillies (if you want extra heat)
Wash the peppadews in water. Then, make sure that you have rubber gloves or surgical gloves to protect your hands. Carefully slice off the top of the peppadews so that you can get to the seeds.
Then, using a small teaspoon, gently scrape out the seeds from each Peppadew, leaving a clean "bell" behind.
Place the peppadews in a bowl and cover them with tap water at room temperature. Sprinkle a tablespoon of salt over them and let them rest overnight. This step is important.
The next day, you will do the pickling. Peel and slice th ginger and the garlic. Then place them together with the rest of the ingredients in a pot, and bring it to the boil. Ensure that the sugar has dissolved.
Rinse the salt water off the peppadews in a colander.
Place the peppadews into the boiling liquid and bring it back to the boil. Once it starts bubbling, let it boil for no longer than 2 minutes. Then remove it from the stove and carefully transfer the peppadews together with the liquid into clean jam jars. Ensure that the peppadews are all covered with liquid, as this will help to preserve them.
To sterilise glass jars: fill each jar 75% with water and boil the jars in the microwave for a few minutes. Do the same with the lids. You will need to place them in a shallow dish and cover them with water to sterilise them. Let them dry and use immediately.
Store the peppadews in the fridge. They should last for quite a long time!