Carbonara is a very simple "bacon and eggs" sauce which is a beautiful accompaniment to any type of spaghetti. I made baby marrow or courgette "spaghetti" with mine this evening. It was incredibly quick to make and almost as quick to eat!
Here is what you need for two servings:
400g courgettes or baby marrows
30ml Olive oil, approx.
2 eggs
6 rashers of streaky bacon
30 ml fresh cream (I used a bit more here, but I think it was too much. 30ml should be fine)
Half a cup of grated Parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper
Using a julienne slicer, make your "courgetti". Keep it set aside. You will only cook it later.
Tip: It's easiest to cut the tops and tails off the courgettes before using the julienne slicer.
Grate about half a cup of Parmesan cheese and keep it for later.
Crack 2 eggs in a small bowl and add the cream. Beat them together with a fork until combined.
Next chop up the bacon into smallish pieces and fry it in the olive oil. Do not remove it from the pan.
When the bacon is cooked, you can throw the courgettes into the pan and toss them around with the bacon and the remaining oil gently for about 3 or 4 minutes, or until they have started to soften slightly.
Turn off the heat. Completely.
Then add the Parmesan, egg mixture and some salt and pepper. Gently toss it together. The heat of the courgettes and bacon will cook the eggs and melt the cheese. Do not return it to the heat.
Serve immediately with a little bit of extra Parmesan to garnish.