Portabello breakfast mushrooms

This is an impressive looking breakfast, which is fairly easy to make for a group of people. It's vegetarian too, so a good option for those poor souls who don't eat bacon.

You will need (for two servings):
2 large portabello mushrooms
A few cherry tomatoes
Fresh basil
Fresh chives
1 slice of onion
4 eggs
2 tablespoons of butter
50ml fresh cream
Salt and pepper

Do not wash the mushrooms. They are very porous and tend to absorb water. Gently brush off anything that shouldn't be there. Then, carefully pull out the core from the centre. Use a paring knife to help you. At this point, I put the mushrooms in the microwave for one minute before grilling them to give them a little boost in the cooking process.

Arrange the mushrooms on a grilling plate, and dot a few smallish pieces of butter on top. 

Together with the tomatoes, place them under the grill for about 15 minutes (keep an eye on them!) until they are softened, slightly browned and cooked through.  

Chop up the centre stems of the mushrooms and the onion and fry them together in butter. 

When they are cooked, remove them from the pan. 

Beat the eggs and cream together with some salt and pepper. Using the lowest heat, slowly scramble the eggs, stirring all of the time. The slower they cook, the softer and fluffier they will be. When the eggs are starting to get more cooked, put the cooked mushroom and onion pieces together with the chopped basil and chives with the eggs. Continue to scramble for another minute or two. 

At this point, the mushrooms should be ready. 

Fill each mushroom with scrambled eggs, and throw the grilled tomatoes over them. Serve immediately!