How to de-seed a pomegranate, quickly and without mess

Choose your fruit wisely. They must be a nice rich colour on the outside and firm to the touch all over (if there are any soft spots - don't buy it!).

Score the pomegranate around the middle. Just cut through the skin. If you cut the whole fruit in half, then you will end up cutting a whole lot of the seeds and you will have red juice everywhere. 

Then, gently wiggle the fruit until it breaks open into two halves.

Hold the pomegranate half, flat side down, on the palm of your hand. Using a wooden spoon, smack the back of the pomegranate hard, and the seeds should start falling out. Make sure that you smack it all over the back of the fruit, so that the seeds come out of all of the corners. 

You will end up with a bit of splashed juice on your hand, and possibly a bit around the bowl, but this is by far the cleanest and easiest way to de-seed a pomegranate.

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